Rate Plans
Right now we are tied to using the base rates per location and adding additional charges for custom rates per account. For those of us with multiple commercial national accounts, it would be beneficial to be able to select a rate plan as we can in MoversSuite for the multiple projects we have ongoing instead of having to tediously add these custom rates every time we add a new project.
At the very least, if you could add a "copy customer" function so that we can copy the rates, details, etc from an existing project that already contains this information then we can simply change the Customer Name, contacts, the bill to, PO number, etc. So simply put, it would need to copy at a minimum all fields but the Customer Name.
From prior attempt to add:
It would be helpful if we were able to have multiple rate plans available to select in MSWhse like we do in MoversSuite. The base rate plans with additional charges is bulky at best to deal with. We need to be able to enter multiple rate plans that we can apply to our different commercial national accounts which may have rates different than our standard base rates. This way when we enter a new project for the account, we can apply those rates to the new project without a lot of tedious manual entry of "additional charges"
Or at a very bare minimum, allow a "copying" of a current customer with all of their additional rates, etc to pull through. We can then update that copied customer with the new project name, PO, etc but retain the national account rates.