automatically upload emails/attachments to notes if an order is in the subject line
If an email is sent and contains an order number in the email, then it would automatically be uploaded into the notes for that order number. This is common with salesforce applications and another mover software that we looked at. This would dramatically cut down on the amount of time needed to input orders and all information would be archived for an order for all users to see. If there is an attachment then that attachment would also be uploaded into document manager. If you would like to add one control, then you could require that the email CC an inbox/address dedicated to MoversSuite so that extraneous/irrelevant or sensitive emails are not included. For instance I would email the customer the welcome letter and CC MoversSuite@ and then all correspondance between me and the customer are auto uploaded in the notes.
Martin Mayotte commented
The long distance dispatch is a great tool for transit reports, but it also helps us with quarterly reporting to our clients.
Since long distance dispatch pulls data from different fields found in order information, I would like to see the lead type added to the long distance dispatch.
Why? Lead source helps us specifically identify what client we are working with. This is particularly important when we work with accounts that send us more than one client. For example, if my national account sends us 15 clients and wants reports on each, having the lead source added to the long distance dispatch would help break it down, otherwise it's a manual process.