SIT Expiration field on the SIT/recurring billing tab in MS
When you fill in the number of days authorized and the actual in date, it will automatically fill in the Expiration date however, it calculates the first day of COD instead of the last day of authorized SIT.
For instance, if a customer is authorized 90 days of storage and the shipment arrives to the warehouse on 10/29/18, the Expiration date fills in as 91st day, 1/27/19 instead of the 90th day (1/26/19). So when we quote the expiration date to the customer, we have to deduct one day from the expiration date that shows in the system.
Anonymous commented
This would be very helpful. As it is now, the relocation counselor looks at the Expiration Date as the last day of storage but it is actually calculating the first day of COD storage. This causes them to quote the customer incorrectly for COD charges.