Alter coding for customer statements
On your statements, it seems that your system is only filtering by zero balance order numbers. For accounts that have recurring or multiple invoices under a particular order number, only having a filter for zero balance orders doesn't work unfortunately. If the order number has a balance, your system seems to be keeping all the activity that has taken place on that order number and is displaying it on the statement. When running the statement, it is creating equal debit and credit balances for every invoice the customer has ever received. A customer who owes one invoice could get a 3-4 page statement of activity with the way the filters are currently setup. This issue is found particularly with recurring storage accounts as there are guaranteed to be multiple invoices for one order number, but is also found for jobs that are billed in multiple phases. I have attached a file to show an example of an aging in your AR detail as well as a sample statement for the exact same customer. I wouldn't imagine this would require much programming to alter the filters to exclude zero balance invoices in addition to zero balance order numbers. The statements should in theory appear the way it does on your AR detail screen which is much cleaner and easier to follow.

Case MOV-277 logged to address this.
Francis commented
There is a checkbox to exclude zero balance orders but not zero balance documents. If invoices are not paid in order you could have an open balance from several months ago and the stmt would show the open invoice and every other invoice and payment since then.