Generating Revenue
When generating revenue, the two date boxes should only allow for the current month billing.
Ex.-A date of 07/31/13 should be entered but a typo of 07/13/2003 is entered in the document date field-allowing the system to accept that as a date, throws all ageing and commission reports back to that date/year.
if the GL date is locked, why isn't the document date locked????

We have customers who use the document and journal dates differently and this restriction would cause some customers problems. We have recently added a warning if the date selected is in a different month than the delivery date.
AdminRandy Miller (Admin, MoversSuite) commented
Hi Leanne - We specifically implemented this feature by request of users to allow them to choose whatever document date they'd like to enter. Some people date things differently to get them to show up on agings where they'd like them. Further, the GL date vs. Doc date being locked to an open period is following GP's logic of allowing users to select whatever document date they'd like, but ensuring it can only be posted to an open GL period.
To address your concern of typos, I could see possibly a feature to setup as an admin that doesn't allow users to select the date given some parameters, but it would certainly be optional as most of the customers have asked to allow users to select their own document date.