Payment Management Inquiry(drilldown)
Be able to view detail for posted items in Payment Management.

We have opened up the existing Payment Management apply screens in read only to allow users to research how payments were applied. We also came up with some cool design concepts for a future rewrite of the Payment Management module.
Jackie Bradford commented
We would want to see where all the money was posted, regardless if it was an order number, GL account, or just as unapplied cash to a Customer ID. If there was a report as stated in Randy's comment, the report should be accessible while viewing the payment management batch.
Randy Miller commented
@Drew: I assume you're talking about seeing the GL distribution for all items posted and not just those that went through the "GL Allocation" dialog on the Apply Wizard. Correct?
If so, in the meantime, could this simply be a posting report you could run on a batch and see the outcome of everything that had been done (applied docs, unapplied cash, gl distributions)?
DREW commented
The drill down would show the detail to the general ledger allocation for the item or the unapplied cash order number. Thanks
Barrett Moving1 commented
For us we primarily need the information for items we need to investigate. At a minimum opening up the existing screens as read-only would work. In addition to that functionality, it would be nice if the VL Distributions tab/report worked for all splits. Currently it only works for us on our AP portion of the statement.
Randy Miller commented
As a follow-up to that last comment I just made, your decision on how to view the data really pins on how you want to use the data. How are you using this data? Is this typically an investigatory process and you're trying to track down mis-applied info? Or, maybe it's a summarization of what happened on the entire VL statement, etc?
There are many possible solutions, but they really should be driven by the underlying reason you need to get to this info in the first place.
Randy Miller commented
I could see a couple of different possible ways to approach this solution. For example, a simple approach would be to open up the exact same dialogs that exist today (apply grid, allocation wizard, chargeback wizard, etc.) but make the data read-only.
However, this may or may not be the "best" way to view the information. An alternative may be to create a new screen that is a read-only view of the entire batch in Payment Management. It would still show all of the detail about each payment and how it was applied, allocated, posted, etc. but all in one place.
What makes most sense to you?