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MoversSuite Enhancements

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MoversSuite Enhancements



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235 results found

  1. When listing an extra stop address under the extra stop information, it would be helpful to have it print on the work ticket like it used to do. Now it will only print if the address is attached with a local service, even if it's listed in the extra stop tab. We have to remember to attach the address to any service that includes that address.

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    After careful consideration and review of input from a variety of people wishing to add this feature back and others wishing not, we decided to focus on building into our Forms Designer (formerly Letter Management) the ability to create your own Work Ticket forms. With these forms, you have the option to display Extra Stops at the order-level only and/or display all stops explicitly set on the service.

    Feel free to reply to me for further inquiry on this subject.

    Also, we put together a help page for those of you wishing to learn more about building your own Work Tickets, including templates. Here’s a link to this page:

    Thank you!

  2. We would still like to see Previous and Next buttons when finding an order. As our database grows and we have 20 John Smith's it would be nice to be able to hit the next button and view the next order. If we were searching by order number the next order would be the next order number. If we were searching by last name the next order would be the next order by last name alphabetically. This enhancement would be very helpful! Darla has called these VCR buttons in the past.

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    We have made some changes to help in this area and have more on the horizon…but none actual include previous/next buttons or VCR buttons. We have added the quick find with the most recently used list, and coming soon we are expanding the “Use criteria from Previous Find” to assist. We are also going to be adding the ability to archive old orders which will help.

  3. I would like to be able to post an amount to an order that is greater than the amount of the check. For example, I might receive a check for $1000 that includes a payment on an order for $1050 and a claim deduction on a separate order for $50. It would be helpful to be able to post $1050 to the order and negative $50 to a general ledger account. This would be similar to the way the van line statements operate.

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  4. 33 votes

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  5. Be able to view detail for posted items in Payment Management.

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    We have opened up the existing Payment Management apply screens in read only to allow users to research how payments were applied. We also came up with some cool design concepts for a future rewrite of the Payment Management module.

  6. At a push of a button be able to view the documents stored on the the TransDocs system appear for the order you are currently viewing. From those documents we should be able to view, print or email them.

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  7. 1 - When you're in your work flow screen (task list for the day), it would be helpful to me to be able to change the date on a given follow up directly from that list, rather than going into the order, copying the task, changing the date, going back and deleting the other task, which gets very time consuming. This is helpful when I'm trying to do an introduction call and maybe don't reach the customer on the first call, but still need to call them the next day.

    2 - When you're in an actual order, it would…

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  8. Edit fields such as PO, origin and destination addresses, load and deliver addresses.

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    While we still don’t have the ability to update the origin and destination, we can now edit PO, and edit the send invoice to address. I’m closing this request, if the editing of origin and destination from the invoice is pressing please add another request for just that information. Thank you.

  9. Add Service branch or assigned branch under the Business category dispatch, main category equipment actuals.

    We are needing to use this feature to track our O&I equipment but need to be able to run a report based upon the branch so we need the Service Branch added

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    1 comment  ·  Reporting  ·  Admin →
  10. Make the discount field under the billing information tab in Order Information available as a reporting field in the BI Tool under business category Order Information and Main of Order Information

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    2 comments  ·  Reporting  ·  Admin →
  11. We get an excel file from our lockbox and our credit card processor that has check numbers, amounts & order numbers. It would be great if we could import into cash receipts or payment management so we don't have to rekey the information

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  12. As it is now we have to manually calculate the total amount of the live invoices (ones that have not been voided) in order to find out the total amount that has been invoiced including all supplemental invoices. It would be awesome if it just showed us the total dollar amount at the bottom of the amount column on the summary tab in the invocing section under where it shows what invoices have been created. It would save us a lot of time. Thank you.

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    1 comment  ·  Billing  ·  Admin →
  13. We would like to have the weight of the shipment show up in the Requested Services window of local dispatch

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    0 comments  ·  Dispatch  ·  Admin →
  14. Have the ability to pull aging receivables by national account.

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  15. Please add the shipper phone number to the find feature.

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    2 comments  ·  Dispatch  ·  Admin →
  16. For O&I job (where there are multiple services), CPU quantities needed for a each service can vary. Currently, CPU quantities pertain to the TOTAL JOB. Would like to have it where CPU quantities pertain to the SERVICE so that QUANTITIES on WORK TICKET are specific to the SERVICE

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  17. There is a button for CPU's (cartons, quantities estimated, and so forth.) That is only one part of our business. We would like a button for "Equipment List" which had things like Totes, Library Carts, 4-wheelers etc. Things we send on an O&I move. One column for what was sent, a column for "returned" and a column for "remaining on site" to help manage our equipment. Would allow for reports to show what was still on job site so we knew where to hunt things down, how much to bill for "rented" equipment and so forth.

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    3 comments  ·  Dispatch  ·  Admin →

    Work is continuing in this area, with release 2016 r20 you will be able to dispatch by quantity for equipment like library carts, 4-wheelers, etc…
    The next step will be changes to Enter Actuals so that you can start logging quantities returned.
    In release 2016 r11 you will see new functionality that allows you to indicate equipment needs on local services. This is the first part of a phased in approach to getting O&I functionality. The functionality to track out/in will come later.

  18. Looking to get information entered into Q2G to be sent into moverssuite similar to how the current PRIC and IGC setup work.

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    completed  ·  Randy Miller responded

    The QTG opportunity upload and download interface is complete and eliminates the double entry that was problematic.

  19. Add a "Actual Date Claim Recieved" and "Actual Date Claim Closed to Customer". Both fields should be capable of manual updates. This will allow legal data regarding claim timeline to be collected accuratelly.

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    3 comments  ·  Claims  ·  Admin →
  20. When orders are copied from old orders the person copying the order does not edit details therefore we have things posted incorrectly and must be corrected by billing/accounting when the error is discovered which takes a lot of unnecessary time.

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    In release 2016 r08 which should ship on 4/10/2017 customers will have an option to turn off the duplicate order functionality. This setting either allows duplicate functionality or turns it off for you entire organization.

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