Previous/Next Buttons when locating an order number
We would still like to see Previous and Next buttons when finding an order. As our database grows and we have 20 John Smith's it would be nice to be able to hit the next button and view the next order. If we were searching by order number the next order would be the next order number. If we were searching by last name the next order would be the next order by last name alphabetically. This enhancement would be very helpful! Darla has called these VCR buttons in the past.

We have made some changes to help in this area and have more on the horizon…but none actual include previous/next buttons or VCR buttons. We have added the quick find with the most recently used list, and coming soon we are expanding the “Use criteria from Previous Find” to assist. We are also going to be adding the ability to archive old orders which will help.
Cathy Jensen commented
We want this feature as well, but in a slightly different manner, but perhaps they can both work - we are not a household agent, so have a lot of orders under the same company name (in the last name field) - for us, it would be good to be able to search, get the list of orders, pop into one, and if it is not the correct order, go back to the full list and try another order - we have gotten very good at narrowing our search parameters to narrow the list of orders that comes up, but simply cannot always find the EXACT order we're looking for on the first try. -
Jeff McGrath commented
We would like to see the "Navigation Improvements" enhancement suggestion combined with this one.