Ability to edit invoice information
Edit fields such as PO, origin and destination addresses, load and deliver addresses.

While we still don’t have the ability to update the origin and destination, we can now edit PO, and edit the send invoice to address. I’m closing this request, if the editing of origin and destination from the invoice is pressing please add another request for just that information. Thank you.
RKellerman commented
If we can adjust the information on the invoice a prompt could pop up asking if we want to change the main order information (like the prompt when we generate that asks us to updated the order states/bill date). Being able to adjust the PO would be WONDERFUL! -
On the order related data, would you expect a change to also update the order? For example if you change the PO for the invoice...should that be changed on the order as well?
Robin commented
Also the ability to edit the billing address. We only have one person with the ability to make changes to customers in Great Plains, I am down there constantly interrupting her to have her add or change a customers billing info.