Import Cash Receipts from Excel or CSV file
We get an excel file from our lockbox and our credit card processor that has check numbers, amounts & order numbers. It would be great if we could import into cash receipts or payment management so we don't have to rekey the information

This functionality has been completed and will be released soon as release 4.30
Nick Abbatangelo commented
I agree, this would be a time saving feature to have. Most monthly storage customers pay via credit or debit and the reported payments can be formated to an excel worksheet. Daily scanned deposits can also be formated in an excel file. The cash deposit process could be made easier and faster.
I would like to get some examples of files you would be wanting to import. Please email them to me at
My initial thought was that it would be imported as a batch directly into Payment Management. However; since it would be a batch of Cash Receipts those would be available for viewing from the Cash Receipts module.
I'm sure that I will have questions for you all on how you want to deal with choosing the Cash Account, setting the branch for the batch, how you want to handle errors like invalid order numbers and much more.
Jackie Bradford commented
Would this file be imported directly into Cash Receipts or just payment management like the United Statements?
Barrett Moving1 commented
We would be OK with a static format but would expect that the first part of the Import program would validate the data and reject the file with the reason(s) why it is being rejected.
Thinking about the possible solutions to this issue I see a range of difficulty with us mapping to a static formatted file and expecting users to get their data into that format to a solution that allows you to custom map any file format into our data. One is obviously going to be easier to implement, the other might take a lot of our development time. Given these two scenarios I'd like to get some thoughts from you all on what you think would be a solution that you could live with.
Hilldrup5 commented
We agree with this 100% because we have huge accounts that pay hundreds of orders at a time. The backup is an excel spreadsheet which we would like to import into cash receipts or payment management. It takes us one week to reconcile, post and apply payments through the current method.