Claims Module- Add Date Fields
Add a "Actual Date Claim Recieved" and "Actual Date Claim Closed to Customer". Both fields should be capable of manual updates. This will allow legal data regarding claim timeline to be collected accuratelly.

This has been completed and will be included in release 4.52 once available.
Michele Bisbee commented
Also add a claim form sent field so it can be queried by claims reports. WOuld be nice if it put in an automatic Note as well thatuploaded to Memo Pad
Leigh Riley commented
Yes, we'd also like to be able enter a date claim settlement was offered to customer to track how long it takes for us to resolve claims ("date claim closed to customer"). Currently we are closing claims when it is billed and completed - much longer time period.
Jeff McGrath commented
The auto generated dates for date claim created and date claim closed do not allow for accurate reporting of number of days a claim is open to the customer. Date claim created is not the legal date the claim is received, when the clock begins ticking. And the date claim closed is the date the adjuster changes status, not the date the claim is truly closed to the customer. Correct data must then be manually collected.