Task improvements
1 - When you're in your work flow screen (task list for the day), it would be helpful to me to be able to change the date on a given follow up directly from that list, rather than going into the order, copying the task, changing the date, going back and deleting the other task, which gets very time consuming. This is helpful when I'm trying to do an introduction call and maybe don't reach the customer on the first call, but still need to call them the next day.
2 - When you're in an actual order, it would be nice to change the task description without (and I hate sounding like a broken record) copying the task and writing over it... For instance, after I register an order and make my first Introduction Call and leave a message, I tend to want to change that task to "Intro Call / Send out Ppwk" rather than having two separate tasks appear on my list.
- For Mover's Suite to have a way to add tasks to a list without copying an existing task and changing everything. This would come in handy particularly when needing to add tasks for auxiliary pickups, etc, that do not have tasks generated for them in MS.
and to be able to make tasks NON APPLICABLE when you are in your workflow without going into the actual order.

We have completed several Task improvements for the Fall 2009 release.
Addressing #3 - Add task without copying... - Today you can create a new task for an order without copying an existing task. While in one of the order information modules, you can click on the 'New' button and then on 'Add Order Task'. While in the Task module you can highlight an existing task and click on the 'Add Order Task' button to add a new task for the order of the Task highlighted. The drawback from the Task module is that a task needs to exist for the order in order to add a new task for the order. If this functionality isn't what your looking for, please elaborate.
Addressing #1 - Changing the date. Given the feedback so far I've got people in both camps. Those that want to be able to change the dates; those that don't want users to change dates for monitoring purposes. I propose we allow users to postpone a task; however the original due date of the task will be saved in the database for reporting purposes. Thoughts?
Jackie Bradford commented
I have asked a few key people here what they think about this. They all agree that everything listed in this enhancement request is needed. They state that they are having to change the dates anyways, so it would be nice if making the change was a little easier.
Don Sagliano commented
We do not feel that datws should be changed on the "fly", we use it to monitir compaince to the defined tasks, and if move managers are not doing the task and are changing the dates, the system will lose control. peerhaps it may be better to allow for a manual followup adjustment such as move the call back for a customer to the next day to creatre a reminder.......