Stop dupliate invoice numbers in Movers Suite
GP does not allow duplicate invoice/document numbers, but Movers Suite allows it. It's not until the import is processed that we know a duipliate exists. I'd like to suggest Movers Suite be changed to not allow duplicates at time of data entry. This would force the person entering information to fix it before generation and prevent confusion when attempting to search for these invoices.

AdminRandy Miller (Admin, MoversSuite) commented
@Diana - I assume you're talking about payables invoices, correct? Are you familiar with the new ability to enter multiple lines on the same Third Party invoice in Revenue Entry for the same vendor and invoice and it will be recombined into a single invoice in GP upon posting?
Cool new feature so you only get one invoice posted in GP, but can still split out your expense lines to follow the revenue in the transaction grid. Of course, the problem you're describing can still exist across multiple orders, so your point is still valid in that case.
If you're talking about AR invoicing, that would represent a much bigger issue as the system should be auto-generating uniquely.