-Ability to Enter Email/Send invoice from Revenue Entry to customer
add an email field to the billing info tab. Be able to send out/attach an invoice directly from the revenue entry module to the email address that was entered in the billing info tab.
A new email system has been added to MoversSuite that enables a lot of new email functionality. Look for it in release 2016 r12
Mindy commented
it would be nice if you could check mark individual invoices. So if a shipper states they didn't get 4 of the 10 invoices you can check mark the four they need and it would add those 4 to the email.
Connie McGrath commented
We send out hundreds of recurring storage invoices by email each month. This would be a fantastic time saver
Part of this request has been completed with the coming release 4.44. We have added the email address to the Order Information tab in Revenue Entry.