Create an interface that allows importing of invoice information from Windfall, Oneil, Total Recall for billing and invoiceing purposes
The interface would import invoices from outside systems as orders, create revenue, auto commission if needed, generate transactions and produce invoices if needed.

The WMS Revenue Import is available at Version 2019 R23 and later (case #MOV-5149). You can create an export file from any system and build a spreadsheet that imports directly into MoversSuite. Further, it create necessary orders (or updates existing ones) and generates billing items for you. Refer to the WMS Import or WMS Revenue Import topic within a recent version of MoversSuite:!WordDocuments/version2019r23features.htm.
Steve Ramp commented
Would provide a great audit trail for tracking transactions that are imported as well as ease of viewing those transactions by order number.
Brian Ellefson commented
ADSI strongly supports this initiative. I am sure this feature would be useful to many of your current clients as well as a strong selling point to potential clients.
Roger Carroll commented
Hilldrup is strongly in favor of this initiative. I would be happy to discuss this with you, along with Nick Abbotangelo, and Neil Nosakowski.
Nick Abbatangelo commented
I would agree to reasonable fee. This would be a huge time saver.