add a "change" section.
Add a section that lists ALL changes that were made to an order, including WHO made the change and when. Of course, this should not be able to be edited by anyone other than admin.
While we aren’t dong “ALL” changes, we adding field level change logging to 20 plus fields. Then as we are requested we will add additional fields to logging.
Jayn Swartz commented
I envision the changelog as something the system automatically logs, not entries by a user.
Jayn Swartz commented
Also I am working with Amy on data disappearing/changing in orders. We're trying to figure out if it is a UniGroup download or user entry. Change log would help us easily pinpoint this.
Jayn Swartz commented
@Randy: Who created the order - did they fill all the "mandatory" fields I will need later for reports? Leadsource, Salesperson, Survey date, Commodity, etc. Who ordered local services - usually the coordinator, but not always. I have a report that shows all services being handled by every coordinator on any given day. When services were ordered - Dispatch is complaining they are not getting services ordered in a timely manner. I'd like to be able to prove that is/isn't true. If it is true, what/who is the problem? Is it a trend?
AdminRandy Miller (Admin, MoversSuite) commented
Jayn - That last sentence is where the "meat" of the request is. What are the ways that you would like to use information about who created orders, changed fields, etc. Creating a changelog of every field ever changed on an order could become very overwhelming very quickly for a user and not solve the underlying issue of WHY you want the information.
Are there ways that you guys know you need information about who did what on an order in the system that you can expound upon? That will help us make sure we're solving the right problem.
Jayn Swartz commented
I would also like to see an audit trail that shows the history of all changes, including who created the order, who ordered local services, and when they were ordered. On orders that drop in from QuotesToGo, the user code of the person who downloaded it. In fact if this one could be a field it would help us be able to create some interesting reports - how many leads an inside salesperson is handling.